Conducting an Elective MYRBS

This page contains information for Massachusetts school districts and high schools on how to register for, and participate in, the Elective Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey (Elective MYRBS).

To create an account, please click HERE.

To log into an existing account, please click HERE.

DESE, in collaboration with DPH, is providing an opportunity for local schools/districts to use the state’s online MYRBS system at no cost to obtain local level YRBS data. This offering is in direct response to requests from districts and schools to remove barriers to, and provide equitable opportunities for, local-level data collection.

For more information, please contact

What schools are eligible to sign up?

All public and charter high schools in Massachusetts with students in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to participate.

What does participation in the program entail?

Schools should expect to administer the survey to a census of students in grades 9 through 12. The survey is web-based and is generally completed in 20-25 minutes; students will need an internet connected device. Survey administration instructions and materials will be provided to schools electronically. Schools will be expected to print and distribute survey administration materials to teachers. Students must be able to complete the survey independently, without assistance from another individual. Survey protocols are in place to protect student privacy and allow for anonymous participation.

To minimize the burden on schools for participating in multiple similar surveys, data collected during the Elective MYRBS will be shared with the state and/or national YRBS, if randomly selected to participate in those efforts.

Where can I get a copy of the MYRBS to review?

Click HERE to request a copy of the MYRBS questionnaire or visit for more information about the MYRBS and to view the most recent survey questionnaire.

Can the survey be customized?

The survey cannot currently be customized. However, we hope to be able to offer optional modules in the future that schools can select to include.

What will participating schools receive?

Schools will receive their school-level data in Microsoft Excel, SAS, and SPSS formats to promote usability. In addition, schools will receive a codebook describing each variable and value in the dataset, a series of frequency tables, and a description of the survey methodology.

In addition, participating schools will automatically be enrolled in the Professional Learning Community (PLC).

What is the purpose of the PLC?

The PLC is designed to provide a forum for ongoing professional development and technical assistance around MYRBS data analysis, dissemination, and utilization. Activities which include virtual convenings, peer sharing calls, workshops, and office hours.

Will this be made available to middle schools?

Currently the Elective MYRBS is only available to schools with grades 9-12; however, the hope is to expand to add a middle school level questionnaire in the future.

Will schools be able to identify how individual students respond?

Student participation is anonymous; schools will not be able to identify how individual students respond.

Benefits of participating

The MYRBS gives your students an opportunity to share their voice and express their needs for support and resources. Participation brings students’ experiences to light so that caregivers, districts, and schools can provide the most appropriate resources for any challenges students may face.

As educators, you know that healthy students are better learners, and are more likely to become healthy adults. YRBS are used to better understand issues that are impacting our students. We can ask informed questions and look for behaviors and symptoms that may indicate students are experiencing physical and/or mental health challenges. MYRBS data can also be used to develop, implement, and evaluate programs that address the most pressing needs of our students.

When is the next YRBS administration?

The next survey administration window will be spring 2024.

Who can register to participate in the Elective MYRBS?

To ensure transparency and appropriate approvals, a school district must register first and enroll their schools as eligible to participate in the Elective MYRBS. Once the district’s registration is verified and approved, the school point of contact (POC) may register the school.

Each district and school should identify a single primary POC for the Elective MYRBS. This individual will have access to the school’s survey administration materials and data results and will be responsible for distributing information to others, as appropriate. Additional staff may register and participate in the PLC. If you need to update your district or school POC, please contact

How do I register?

Create an account by entering the required information below. Once your account has been verified, you will receive an email notification that you can now register your district or school.

Can I view the registration form before registering?

Yes, a PDF copy of the registration form is available for download HERE.

For more information, please contact